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You might be trying too hard...

The Law of Reversed Effort

Have you ever told yourself to go to sleep and find out that it makes it harder to fall asleep?

Today, I’m going to show you a theory, coined by author and philosopher Aldous Huxley—The Law of Reversed Effort—that addresses this phenomena in various forms—even coaching.

The harder we try with the conscious will to do something, the less we shall succeed. Proficiency and the results of proficiency come only to those who have learned the paradoxical art of doing and not doing, or combining relaxation with activity, of letting go as a person in order that the immanent and transcendent unknown quantity may take hold.

Aldous Huxley

You’re here because you’re passionate about helping people the best that you can as a coach. I know this because CoachLab is all about helping coaches like you. Yet, when you’re trying to start or scale your coaching business by doing all the things it can feel defeating when you don’t see all of the results you desperately want.

But, have you ever thought that maybe your hard work is working against you? I know this may sound counterintuitive, but its a real thing, and by understanding it, you can go further, faster with less frustration and overwhelm.

The problem is that in a world that champions hustle as a badge of honor, this idea sounds crazy. Think about it… When people ask us how we’re doing, many times we respond with, “oh, I’m good…I’m busy.” We equate our value or worth to how many plates we’re spinning at one time or how fast those plates are spinning (or…. maybe that’s just me 😂).

You Need to Slow Down So You Can Speed Up

Here are 3 steps to help you overcome your obstacles to growing personally and professionally:

  • Focus on the Next Step

  • Live for the Journey

  • Push Patiently

Have you ever wondered why we say, fight for your dreams? Think about it for a second…

When we wake up from a dream and try to remember it, it seems foggy. We can’t quite nail down every little detail that we may have seen while in the midst of it.

You may have an idea for where you want to go, but don’t have a clear enough vision for giving you confidence in taking the steps to get there, and that’s okay…

Just ask yourself, “what’s the next right step?” And if that step seems too overwhelming, break it down until you get to single actions you can take.

Every great journey starts with a single step.

Maya Angelou

Next, normalize the joy of the journey and dethrone the idol of the goal.

In our achievement-oriented culture, we tend to be obsessed with the When I Get There”when I get there, I’ll have what I want.” Problem is, when we get there its great for a moment, and we’re on to the next goal, and then to the next, and then to the next…

We become so future-focused that we miss the present and all of the blessings of the moment. The truth is, in each moment the past and the future don’t exist, so enjoy the present moment. Enjoy the journey of becoming. Enjoy the wins and learn from the losses. And…thank God for all of them. Who you become while pursuing your vision is more important than the vision itself.

The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination.

Lao Tzu

Finally, patience isn’t simply waiting, its pursuing your goal while maintaining inner peace knowing that if you continue long enough, you’ll get what you want. Remember, if you hit a tree enough times in the same place with an axe, its falling down regardless of how big it is.

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

Sam Levenson

Hope this helps you pursue your passion while you are patient. Trust me, I know it can be hard to keep going some days, but remember, although its hard, its worth it. And when you get there, you will be a testament to all of those around you that anything is possible.

All Systems Go,


P.S. If you’d like encouragement along the journey, sign up for the waitlist of our CoachLab Community coming soon to walk side-by-side with other people just like you.

P.P.S. I left a goodie for you from Niche Mastery Secrets down below to help you with finding your calling. I’ll explain it for you next Saturday.

Ikigai.pdf4.04 MB • PDF File